Hafele Learning

Since its inception in 2003, Häfele India Pvt. Ltd. has gradually yet steadily worked towards building a culture where ‘learning’ is institutionalized and seen as an opportunity for professional and personal growth. Häfele India now breathes a culture that is instituted with learning at the very core of everything we do!

Backed by the encouragement and constant motivation of the Management, employees at Häfele take responsibility for their learning; every individual working at Häfele is obligated to have a basic understanding of the Häfele product portfolio while the sales and marketing employees are expected to be equipped with an in-depth understanding of our products and product ranges.

This responsibility is shared by the :

•Häfele Training Department headed by Ms. Meenakshi Talesra and manned by a team of trainers lead by the senior training manager together with technicians for each zone and a training coordinator
•The Content & Cross Media team which takes care of all the training, marketing and business related content as well as handles e-learning and other online development tools.

Training Initiative

Häfele India training programmes are designed to meet basic, specific and intensive learning needs and can be divided into 2 broad categories :
Internal Training

External Training

Training Centre

Training forms the basis of growth; and effective training requires the right environment to achieve the best possible results. Häfele India has given crucial importance to training over the last few years with a dedicated Training Division in place to take care of all internal as well as external training requirements. The core objective of this division is to provide ‘focused’ training on different product groups in a state-of-the-art environment that facilitates theoretical, technical as well as practical learning. These training-conducive environments are created within methodically designed Training Centers that are equipped with all the necessary tools and hardware.